Live & Learn offers education and training in functional skill development that focuses on each participant’s individual strengths, weaknesses, and areas of interest. Each participant works on developing their skills and the ability to live as independently as they are able!
Our Programs

This program helps participants develop employment skills to assist in securing future job opportunities. Each participant is encouraged to work cooperatively with their peers to design, develop, produce, market, and sell their own products. Providing customer service is at the forefront of their experience.
Workshops and seminars are offered to help with resume building, interviewing skills, and obtaining Food Safety Certification. The goal of the program is to discover participant’s abilities and to expand their social and business skillsets, while focusing on transferable employment skills.
Trends of inactivity and sedentary lifestyles plague our population. People with disabilities often encounter barriers when they try to access fitness classes.
At Live & Learn, we believe that fitness is an important skill to develop as part of a well-balanced lifestyle. Live & Learn introduces our participants to a diverse range of fitness experiences in our daily programming. A variety of activities are explored including yoga, zumba, weight lifting, sports and community fitness classes.
Learning to cook is one of the most important and rewarding life skills. It ensures that you have the ability to fuel your body with energizing, well balanced, and nutritious foods.
Live & Learn’s lunch program introduces participants to basic cooking skills, offering a foundation of knowledge that can be used when cooking any recipe in the kitchen. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to discover new foods. The Foodies program also teaches participants simple meal planning, grocery shopping and price matching through flyers and coupons.
Partnering with Transition Guelph, this innovative program helps our participants build a supportive network and a stronger community through an exchange program of giving and receiving. TimeBanking builds on the magic of “pay it forward,” one good turn leading to another.
Within a Time Bank, for every hour you volunteer to meet the needs of another member, you earn a time credit. This time credit can then be redeemed for services from any other member of the Time Bank. Every person has something to share — knowledge, talent, strength — which is valuable to someone else, and everyone’s time is valued equally.
The Guelph community of Time Bankers allow our participants to use their skills to network and provides an opportunity to use earned Time Bank dollars to access someone else’s skills, knowledge or talent.
To sign up or learn more please visit the Transition Guelph website.
Guelph is consistently rated as one of Canada’s best places to live. Live & Learn’s community out-trip program encourages participants to become active members of the Guelph community.
Discovering Guelph through recreational outings is the focus of this program: exploring cafés, restaurants, the Guelph Civic museum, the River Run Centre, Guelph Culture Days, and more. The aim is to encourage participants to engage in events and festivals in the community, creating a sense of connectedness and belonging.
Living on Your Own is the Life Skills component of our day program. Participants continue to take steps towards independence with the end goal of living on their own.
The program teaches required skills such as doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, meal planning, and shopping as core components. In addition, specific programs are taught on safety in the home, basic first aid skills, being a good citizen and busing & transportation. Our goal is to provide a foundation of knowledge to ensure our participants have the foundation to be successful on their own.
Get artsy in the Artistic Expression program! Experience art without limitations and discover your creative side.
At Live & Learn, we believe that everyone is capable of creatively expressing themselves. Our program fosters an environment that encourages the discovery of hidden talents. Participants explore a variety of mediums such as recycled art, DIY projects, garden art, sewing, and community projects that promote creativity and imagination.
Live & Learn’s Techie program explores the world of technology and social media. Participants learn how to use iPads, computers, email accounts, and social media. Most importantly, participants gain knowledge to activate settings for safety on Facebook and other social media platforms. The use of iPad applications for art, digital design, photography, movie making are also explored.
Volunteerism is an altruistic activity that has many benefits for both the volunteer and the person or community that is served. This program provides opportunities that enable participants to establish meaningful connections with community patrons.
Live & Learn’s participants have so much to offer, and exemplify true kindness and compassion in their offer to assist those in need. Specific programs may consist of volunteering at the food bank, Habitat for Humanity, or assisting in small projects through the volunteer centre.
The program includes:
- Trips & Activities
- Volunteering
- Health & Fitness
- Technology & Supportive Arts
- Life Skills
- GiftABLE Entrepreneurial Program
Criteria for entering the program:
- Has a intellectual/developmental disability
- Able to toilet independently
- Able to work within a group ratio of 1 staff to 6 participants
- Does not exhibit behavioural outbreaks
Cost of the program:
- $78.00 plus HST per day (includes lunch & out trips)
- Passport funding can be used to fund program
- Get Connected! Evening programs and social events not included
Hours of Operation:
- Live & Learn Centre program runs from 9:00am to 3:00pm (Monday to Friday)